Monday, September 6, 2010

Bursting with writing...

Honeypie has been attempting writing on her own with plenty of gusto.  Here are some of her first attempts .
I think letter writing is a great way to get kids excited about writing, being that the inspiration always comes from love and the need to communicate. That eagerness can erase the worry of the "am I spelling it right?" fear.   The anxiety of "spelling it right" can  halt the flow of writing to focus more on correcting. I focus more on getting kids excited about writing without correcting (inventive spelling)... there will always be time later for that.  
Keeping a list of sight words that they have memorized or can write correctly can always happen simultaneously to this process.  But the focus is to let writing flow.  
Story writing is a great way to get kids imaginations and writing flowing too. Kids that love to read, also love to have their own story read aloud! 
I work next to honeypie as she comes up with a story first,  draws her story pages second and then she writes her words . 
We focus on the beginning of the story (introducing characters and main idea), middle (what happens next in the story) and end (resolution).  

Here's a list of words she feels confident she can write...
(Lunch box, leaf, ladder, horse, secret, sticker, goldfish and napkin.)

A Van Gogh painting...

A letter to her fairy...

an icepack for uniqua...

Rainbow brite

(A letter to her swimming teacher...)

"I love you brian so much.  
I'm going to be a swimming teacher when i grow up.  
You are so nice."

and here's a story written by honeypie...

"Unicorn Wishes" 

The unicorn was walking in the woods and then she planted a money tree.

She picked up a twig and pocked it... nothing happened
and crystal felt braver

She ran home as fast as she could

What's wrong my little one?  (said the mama unicorn)

She turns into a star
"watch this!", (she says)

"Come back this instant!!", (says the mama unicorn)

I think I'll keep you little rock!

The end

In retrospect... I'm a crappy speller.  
If it wasn't for spell check, I don't know where I would be... seriously.
but i do love to write and it is always the first type of communication I chose, when my mind is crowded and I need to express...
I think journal keeping is amazing, (as is blogging to the masses of who knows who reads this...) ;)
and i think "that" is more important than stuffing it all inside......... just sayin'.



  1. Amazing work! It's so great to see a parent who encourages her child to write.

  2. My eight year old has some seriously creative spelling. I love it. When he asks, we help him spell things correctly. But mostly he just goes with it. I love, love, love the unicorn story! (:

  3. Seriously creative spelling is beautiful! :) i try to sneak and write what it actually says behind her pages so i can remember what it read years from now)... mostly she can actually tell me... but its hard to keep track! hah!



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